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ZENIT COLOR – Light Curing Stains on Composite – Basis Refill

If the patient is allergen to the any of the compenents of Zenit Color or any hper
sensitivity, it is stricly advised not to use or to use under strict medical control.
The dentist shoultake this situation into consideration before using it.

Composition, Anogramic
36% depending on volume, 50% depending on weight

Glass composition
(the avarage size of the particle is 0,7 um)

Progenic Silica
(the avarage size of the particle is 0,01 um)

Monomers (49% of the weight)
Urethan dimetacrilate
Buthan diol dimetracrilate
Addition materials (1% of the weight)
Inhibitors, stabilizers, pigment

1gr Syringe Refill

PRD.01.ZC100BLU Blue
PRD.01.ZC100ORG Orange
PRD.01.ZC100CLR Clear
PRD.01.ZC100KHI Khaki
PRD.01.ZC100DBR Dark Brown
PRD.01.ZC100YLW Yellow
PRD.01.ZC100WHT White
PRD.01.ZC100LBR Light Brown
PRD.01.ZC100BLC Black
PRD.01.ZC100RED Red